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Why Spot Reduction Does Not Work
Before we can debunk the spot reduction myth, we must first define spot reduction so that we know what it is supposed to be. Spot reduction is supposed to be the act of selectively reducing fat deposits in certain targeted areas (without surgical methods) while leaving other areas unaffected. Countless fitness professionals correctly explain that we cannot spot reduce, but it is an uphill battle.

Many people still believe we can selectively burn fat from some areas while leaving other areas unaffected. Maybe it is because very few professionals explain why we cannot do it. The purpose of this article is to explain what happens when the body burns fat. It will become clear why you cannot achieve spot reduction naturally.

Fats are stored as triglycerides in our fat cells and have to be broken down and transported via the blood to get anywhere else. They cannot just jump directly across into the nearest exercising muscle without going through the bloodstream. So, here is what happens when the body burns fat:

Triglycerides in the fat cells break apart releasing the fatty acids and the glycerol molecule into the blood.

The fatty acids travel via the blood to the heart which pumps the blood to the lungs to be oxygenated.

They then travel in the blood back to the heart and get pumped out to the body for cells (including muscle cells) to use for energy.

This happens whether the fat cells are right next to the exercising muscles or on the opposite side of the body. So, the proximity of the fat cells to the muscles does not affect this process in any way. There is no advantage to selecting fats from cells closest to the muscles being used. The body will follow its natural program regardless of which muscles you train.

Sometimes the body will burn fats for the energy to turn lactic acid back into glucose. This happens in the liver. Again, the fats must follow the same pathway and process. So, the body will follow its natural programming and not select fats because they are close to some exercising muscle.

Whenever we examine fat burning, the facts rule out any notion of spot reduction or selective fat burning. Spot reduction has no basis in science. So, focus on general fat loss instead, and your fat loss will include your target areas.

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